01-7  01 ST JUNE


This is all about my past best friend Iam thinking about her everyday

Honestly I don't like her thought, may be loathe her

Before a few weeks I came back, she didn't greet me and feel like ....

" Do me down over and over,,,  she though I was a loser... "


However, it wasn't a main point for myself becasue I knew what I learnt and understood...

The most disappointed thing is she doubt about what I was saying, doing ... 

Everything I had done, said. I knew we were not friends anymore since she blame me.

"You take me the way I don't wanna, ''

What is your problem?  I though I am courage you to do everything you like. Right??

Why could you blame me about it even though maybe you don't be my friend.


In the bottom of my heart, I do not do everything hurt your heart...

I am not good friend but I always support you and give you some advice for everthing

Even you were not willy to listen or receive... I don't care anymore


I had asked myself about all my fault, charater and something may make you feel uncomfortable

Do you ask yourself about all of things you did? 

Do you care your friends? Now I don't wanna know them 


Now I am growing up because I have learnt a lot

Now I am understanding because I have known the different lifestyle 

Now I am learning because I have respected their own choices and charaters


So, what kind of friends I wanna is depend on our charaters and matching

So, what kind of friends I choose is depend on our supports with each other

So, what kind of friends I need is depend on our courage and we can be stronger


After that, stopping do everyone down, don't make yourself be no friends with you

After that, stopping do everyone down, don't blame yourself for the fault as you though

After that , stopping do everyone down, don't let yourself down to achieve a loser as they wanted


I wanna be a loser in my life, after I will be a successful person

I wanna be good in my lifer, when I do something better than now


Thanks all of your, Growth up is so hard to walk through



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