00  12TH JUNE 2014


My dad was always asking and telling me about the problem of study aboard.

This is very real to get me in trouble, "How can you think about the study fees of last two years?"

It makes me so angry and annoyed about his asking because that is I knew.

Sometimes we are argue on it, I felt like he doesn't let me go/ push me to "no way road"


As he said, I can't do anything and please do everything as easy as other people are doing now

As he said, I can't say anything and please do everything as normal as other people are doing now


But, why I do anything to ask you or to get everyone argee to me!


Sometimes I though I was so tried to chat with him beacuse we were not different ages .....

In the bottom of heart, I just wanna you understand what I am thinking about and give me some advice

Everytime I get a bad feedback and feelings in that moment


I am trying hard to get close to my dream, even you think this is impossible

I am trying hard to go on my way for what I can do, even you think I am carzy


I don't enforce you to understand me because it doesn't matter to care

I don't enforce you to support me because it doesn't matter to get the argeement from you


The only one thing is pushing me to close the dream, is passion

The only one thing is pushing me to close the dream, is insistance

The only one thing is pushing me to close the dream, is WHO I AM


Don't care everyone say you are impossible, beacuse we are possible

Don't care everyone say you are impossible, beacuse we are trying hard to go on


We know everything is so diffcult to done but having the "stone heart" is OK!

So don't mind everyone say you are something bad, just care youself is enough!


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