01-8  29TH September,2014



Over two months, I have been dreaming something is so so bad and making me crazy.

There is not untangible thing, horrirble and scarzy.

Just a bad dream and they are always repeat and repeat.


One day, I told my friends and family. They said that is pressure.

Sorry, I don't full understand what the word means.


Be seriously, that wasn't a answer and reason to me.....

Look on all of those are who always regert and did not courage me to do something I want

Look on all of those are who always tell me the flase life I could live in and look for


Maybe those are my resource of pressure!

Of course, I am not strong person, just wanna be a baby

Of course, I am not strong person, just wanna do sth I have to do


However, this world doesn't teach us to be a strong person

However, this world doesn't care how to live as well as we can


Just think about what we wanna do and make it true.

For us, the most important thing or approriate way is go in a frame of mind.


Who can tell you are worng, who can tell you are crazy

There isn't a reason to give up your dream and stop doing anything you can.


Please be a strong person and understand yourself~


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