51-2  10TH DECEMBER,2014


"Destiny" isn't a good word for me, because I am being lead by it for doing everything.

A far far ago, I was a little girl and believed I must plan how good I live in a good quality and stable condition.

The planning was listing what the age I got the degree from unviersity, got married with a prefect man, all the time I was hoping a good life I would have.

Runing through the planning all the details was a dream and telling me that is my life (must follow it.)


When I was 19 years old, it started and followed very well. It sound like nothing wrong.

When I was 20 years old, it was being start better than before, it sound like nothing wrong.

When I am 21 years old, it has already given up and I am run out of steam.


I am not a good planner, because I cannot follow it smoothing and throughly,

I am not a good follower, because I cannot run through all the details I'd planned

I am not a good listener, because I am always not hear what the most beautiful voice in heart.


And then, I am going the worst suitation and agonizes over every decision I have to make.

And then, I am asking for myself about what the faults I made, where the answers I can find.

I know what I've been doing, I know where I should go and step.

I don't know where the step point is?


Maybe something wrong in my life or that is no any lucky! God bless me?


After a few days, I know everthing must not be good because I am learning what the good one coming

After a few days, I know everthing must not be good because I am learing how to make myself feel good

After a few days, I know everything must not be good because it is the best way to learn how to underestimate fail or not


We cannot hope it will be good, instead of holding the hope during you go whereever!



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