01-12  13TH FEBRUARY,2015


I was stuck in something what I didn't know.

I wanted to sleep as relax and no pressure as daily.

But last night, I can't.!!


To think it over and over again, not have a cule.

To forget it over and over again, not success.

Instead of getting a result,.,,


Desire it so much, waiting all night long

Desire it so much, thinking all night long

Desire it so much, stucking all night long


Until it will be found, 


I don't what the end up is, what the next starting point.

I don't where the end up is, where the next starting point.

I don't when the end up is, when the next starting point.


From the bottom of my heart, let it go, follow my heart to live.

From the bottom of my heart, let it go, be please and enjoy myself.


Because something we try hard over and over, it won't be appeared.

Instead of at the right time, Maybe someone can tell you.


Before the day comes, I just live my life.

Don't worry about it, because there is some reasons to be there.




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