b43  16TH FEBRUARY,2015


Recently, I think too much about problem which is not exists.

Try hard to forget it and take time to myself.


Finding the best way to be free.

Finding the best thing to be changed.

Finding the best friends to talk.


Although I have tried it.


Of cousre, I am so tried.

Of course, I espace everything.

Of course, I am so confused.


I don't wanna to be like that.

I just wanna to make a nice dream.


Yes, everyone is hard to live, to think and to breathe,

So, why I am still thinking those are not valuable thing to make me more tried.


It is the best thing to myself in that moment.

We are always try hard and try hard.

But we don't know how to be lazy sometime.

And don't know how to take the time to ourselves.


Please be lazy and nice to myself.

Because the most important thing is ourselves!


    kirnytong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()