07-3  09TH MARCH,2015


Everything woould become a problem,

even not only one problem, unexpected problem!!


Sometime you think that is fine or whatever will be,

For somebody think that is a problem or wrong.


What the problem is argreed with the public..

Sorry, there is no answer!!

Just base on the concept or moral of eveyone.


No one can tell you the standard to do everything.

No one can teach you the right concept to live your life.


Because everything can be right or not.

Because too many types of people live in this world.


When we find something wrong, maybe right.

When we answer something is fine, or good.

We have to understand that is just our concept.


Not the rule in this world.

Even thought be no rule in this world.


So, just be yourself,

So, just be open-mind to everything.


Because there is no rule and standard to idenity,

what the problem is....


Just depends on your own view and concept.

To present what your thinking about those.


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