21-2  04TH APRIL,2015


Every mintue, even every second.

We change ourselves a little bit.

This is including personlity, view, thinking and emtion.


Sometime we are unwilly to change because of be afriad.

Sometime we are unwilly to face ourselves because of be scary.


We did everything on thinking and willing.

We cannot leave ourselves alone cause we know all about ourselves.


Understanding which parts we're afriad and good at.

Understanding which parts we've confidence and good at.

After understanding, we cannot face and be honest to "us".

For not be hurt, for not be scary and for the safety.

We are always escaping and hidding something by our heart.


Until one day, we couldn't escape anymore, hide anymore.

We wanna be resuce by someone, however, he doesn't come.

We wanna be resuce by something, however, it is not exitis.


So, what should we do?

So, how should we do?

The answer you've already known, but you don't wanna make.

You think you are weak, not strong enough.

Surely, you are because you are not able to accpet yourself.


You are not interest in yourself, no more can read,

You are not interest in yourself, no more can learn,

You are not please to yourself, although you think you know all about yourself.


What you are, how you are now and how you feel now?

You just make the wrong message to avoid getting hurt.


Facing is the best way to make yourself feel free.

Accpeting is the best restart point to make yourself refresh.


Facing how you are feeling right niw

Facing how you are getting at.

Accpeting what you have and not.

Accepting what you are and not.

Accepting who you are


Be friend to youself, that's the only one understand you.

Don't make a worng way to learn about yourself.

Until you accpeted youself, then you should be accpet everything.


    kirnytong 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()