02-1  03RD MAY,2015


Impatient, we all know that isn't good for us.

But we are still doing and expecting sth impatiently.


We are telling ourselves, be clam.

We are telling ourselves, be normal.

We are telling ourselves, slow down.


However, we are still living in the emtion.


Having already known how to be normal.

Having already known what we should do.

Having already known which made the hard mode we live.


Even though we are trying to be nomral and slow down again.


It will happen in our expectation soon

It wil happen in our planning already

Because it have already planned 

Because we have been expecting for a long time


With the strong sence of our desire,

With the strong sence of our expectation.


It makes us to be crazy.


We cannot slow down because of happening soon

We cannot keep clam because of expecting long time


Losing in the strong emtion....

Losing all the thing we should take attention.


How can we turn to the normal mode?


In fact, we should think the other sider 

In fact, we should think the other point 

In fact, we turn the other way to see


Because we try and try again

Because we walked and experienced,.

Because we cannot find any solutation to fit it.


So, the best way is creating the new way to think 

So, the best way is walking and following the new way


Always try and creating something different than before

When we are losing and no more way to walk




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