17-4  08TH MAY 2015


We don't like changing, at least in our life.

We do know changing is necessary and important to make our life different.

But we cannot convienced ourselves to make a allowance from the heart.


Changing get you to the unknown suitation in the future.

Changing get you stay to the unsure condition in the future.

Changing get you be afarid again, it is a black hole to our future.


Becasue you are scary of the unknown future,

Because you are scary to be afarid again and stay in unstable.

Therefore, you escape it and tell a lie to yourself.

Therefore, you are thinking something against to aviod happening.


You are thinking and thinking, you find something can be a reason agianst it.

All of them are some negative word and make you hopeless.

You are thinking and thinking, you find something can be a point agianst it.

All of them are some unreality and make you look no confidence.

However, you are believing it and thinking too much.


Therefore, why we don't open mind and convience yourself to accpet it.

We know it maybe a right thing we can do and believe.

Therefore, why we don't spend the time to understand yourself more.

We know it should appear becacause we wanna do it and happen soon.

That's the heart tell you what the thing and way to do what you wanna do for a long time.


You have to believe your heart, even you feel that is not true and reality.

You have to aganist everything make you negative and think too much.

Because it will give you a chance to make yourself more confidence.

Because it will give you a good experience to make yourself stronger.


Believing it if that give you a positive energy.




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