12th MAY 2014


After the australia trip, I had learnt many things.

The only one thing can be surely to follow which is my dream

I have tried to give up when it seems like impossible.

During the trip, I met many people who talk with me and help me to walk through the darkness.


We always know making the dream come ture isn't a easy thing to do

We always know making the dream come ture isn't a easy way to think

We always know making the dream come ture definites a crazy thoughts


In the way, there is many barriers and problem to face

In the way, there is many material and money to earn 


Face it! It is the necessary thinking but not easy

Try it! It is the first step to walk over and over but not easy

Get a win! It is the impossble mission we got


Everybody tells you to do beacuse this is a such easy to do

Everybody tells you to walk over because this is the first and important step to do


Nobody makes you be strong

Nobody makes you be courage 


Who cares you, Who be with you, Who know you

In the world, there is just only one that supports and gives you everything you want


It is you, you are the first and last person that you are 

It is you, you are totally understanding and supporting youself at all the time



Please don't give up yourself, that is what you wanna be

Please don't blame yourself, that is what you wanna  do

Please don't doubt on yourself, that is who you are and will become 


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