g.gif  15 MAY 2014


Honestly, I think I am not a unfortunate person but this time maybe.....

This year is a very bad although something was learnt and understood more

I cannot recognize what I can achieve and do

Just know what my dream is and how to achieve.


I know I am confused about the things that I wanna do, I wanna make

I know I am confused about the future that I wanna have, I wanna go


But this time is so hard to say I am walking over 

But this time is so hard to make my dream comes ture


After the trip,, I have full confidence to do it because this is the bottom of the herat I wanna

After the trip,, I have full confidence to gonna beacause this is the only one thing I can do


Therefore, find out something is helping me to walk over rather than blame  opportuntions you cannot get

Therefore, find out something is supporting me to walk through rather than make yourself feel disppointed 


In the reduced circumstances, we can dispponited but don't give up holding the hope

In the reduced circumstances, we can cry and blame but don't let you go down 


We have circumstances in our life, we must enjoy because it makes you be stronger

We have circumstances in our life, we must enjoy because it makes you be happier

We have circumstances in our life, we must enjoy because it makes you feel luckier


This is the valuable experience to learn something different 

This is the valuable experience to learn something important  

This is the valuable experience to learn something new


Be stronger, always hoping, feel confidence



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