01-5  01ST JULY 2014


Sometime I think about what the worst and best thing I've done in the past.

Centainly, the answer is the most things I did the worst one!


I was afriad someone talking about the past of mine, because I was loser I though.

I was worried someone laugh at the past of mine, because I didn't want recall anything about the past.

I was escaping what the things had happened, because I was escaping who I am.


I knew it was so bad for me, no matter I give any reasons to convience I am the worst person.

I knew it was so bad for me, no matter I give any reasons to convience there is the worst suitation I get.

I knew it was so bad for me, no matter I give any reasons to convience this is totally bad things I had did.


We try hard to get a false thinking to ecapse anything.

We try hard to get a false thinking to throw anything away.


What is the most important principle, it call "A part of our life".

It was the real things happened, it was the real things we did.

So, there is no reason to lie about " what is the truth in our past life?"


We feel embarrass what we did, even thought we are trying to escape as well

We are annoyed about what we did, even thought we are trying to not recall our mind

We feel upset about what we did, even thought we are trying to forget what the things or people we missed


There is so many reasons to unwilly recall our past life, to unwilly share our past life.

Who knows about yourself so much, who knows about yourself so deeply?

Everyone has their own stories in the past, this moment and future.

Noone escape a part of therselves, expect of you are nothing in the world.


We don't have a perfect and simply life in the world, so why we don't make more colourful.

Let's experience, try, keep and create our life together.

Let's accpet, appreicate, share and take our brave to face our life together.


Everything we did, because we knew it was the best we had to do

Everything we did, because we knew it was the most appropriate we had to try

Everything we did, we tried, we though, noone can tell you were wrong.


It is always happening after happened 

It is always happening after we think about, we understand 

It is the best path to learn about what the best life we wanted.


Please tell everyone I feel so good in my past time, because I did everything in mind.



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