2-01  24TH JLUY 2014


I've been heard that learning treasure after losing. 

Everyone has the only one to protect and be driver for continuing his life.

That can tangible or not, just mean "What we protect during living"


Someone quickly recongize what the most treasure for himself 

Someone quicly give up about the thought of treasure because he isn't able to protect

Someone is thinking about when he recongizes those because he doesn't think the present


When they thought the right one, it was gone so far away and he never caught it up

Then, they would annoyed and complainted about it because that was gone too fast


Treasure isn't depend on what time you recongizes and keep it with you

Treasure isn't froced on something you caught up or protect on time / in time

Treasure should be learnt how to make you be more powerful 


Because everything must be changed by the time, places, things or person

Because everything must be given you a chance to learn something different

That's reason why to stop thinking about how we catch on it 


Of coures, this word just mean you wanna protect them forever, whatever

However, we should learn keeping changing is the best way to treasure everything

The only reason is "changing is the best thing we lived"


Don't be stopping at one point too much time beacuse we lost as much as stopping

Don't be upset with the result of treasure because we learn as much than that result

We should treasure every changing we got, not the only thing we thougbt we can catch / protect.


Please keep going and changing in our shortly life to learn and get as much as we cannot image!


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