12  07TH MARCH,2015


"Get real!", it does right sometimes.

When you are in a dream.

"Have fun?", it does not always be felt.

When you are getting real.


How to have fun from this world, this makes ourselves change.

We always stay in a seem like happy,

We always stay in a seem like stable,

however, what the necessary thing in our life.


That's "JOY"!!

We do need it so much,

that's a reason to make us more active and possive.

that's a reason to make us play our life game all the time.

Sometime, we find something not well .

Sometime, we need something prefect.



The game doesn't prove anything is perfect.

And the game does teach you what the perfect is.


Perfect is imaging by ourselves, from our experience, was influence everything.

Because suitable and appropriate are the basic of perfect.


In spite of, perfect never comes or happans.

JOY is a way to find our more beautiful!

To find the beautiful thing in every moment.


Everything can make you smile.

Smile is the most perfect thing we have.

Enjoy, and joy!


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