5-01  06TH MARCH,2105

19 years old, I was a active person for facing my feeling.

20 years old, I was a active person for changing my mind.

21 years old, I was a passive person to talk about how I was feeling at that moment.


Until now, that is wrong because of living in pain.

Until now, that is a right feeling I am getting for myself,


I have been thinking about how to make my feeling sercet.

I have been thinking about how to make myself being more brave on ..


However, I cannot do it anymore.

My heart is broken, always telling the truth of myself.

I know what I need and desire but couldn't speak out,

I remember what I am getting and experiencing.


It is a time to change my mind and more understand my heart.

Just follow my heart and take some time to myself.


At least, I know what I am thinking about right now.

To be serious. Please!



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