8-2  28TH FEBRUARY,2015


When the problems come, we cannot be calm.

Everything will become a problem to us,


What we can do?


Facing, we know

Solving, we know

But how to make it faster.

We have already known, but we can't do it.

Because we are stucking into it quickly.


We don't know, we become a blind person

We don't know, we are losing hearing.


Just know how mess is now..


Because of our habit, always thinking the negative.

Because of our reaction, always rejecting look into the problem.

Because we are afraid about the darkness.


"I wouldn't be hurt, I couldn't do it, I didn't wanna be like that."

This is us, our real reaction when everything comes to us.


Just make us in the darkness, never comes out, never open eyes.

Look at the other bright. To find the hopeful from our heart.


Be confidence, because we can do it.



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