15-2  01ST MARCH,2015


Today, i have aleady decided to write down what the thing is happening recently.

I remember i had found something increible and shocking to me.

It is what the man i would be with him through my life, MR.Y.


At first, i had tried to find myself and future by Astrodoor and Tarot.

There was collect many information about who you are and who he is.


Thus, i found myself more and more, understand and insterest in those.

How is my life, how is my husband, how is my future, etc.

I was crazy about those, and thinking about the right man.


Before 3 months, someone had been found for his date and time of birth.

I thought he didn't my cup of tea. (The other person is the first one I wanna know)

But I didn't know why I input his profile on those and got the surprise to me.


This one is my future, it was so unbelievable and I knew I was a silly girl to believe sth didn't recongize by anyone.

I wasn't sleep to think about him and the things happening.

I couldn't expect, understand, believe and try to accpet.

Even through I worte a letter for 26 yrs old to myself.


Because I've said I would get married at the age of 26.


I was so serious to not accpet anything.

I was so serious to not be him, because he is not a good man.


However, I know I should accpet and recingize the truth to him.

However, I know I should not focus him too much, I am so tried.

However, I know I should not think about him again, too tried.,


I need take a break and open my eyes to the world.

I need take a trip and give a big hand to myself,


Because he doesn't the only one in my life,

I have not tried any other thing now.


Live my life. Make it mess. 


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