05-7  06TH APRIL,2015



There is for my record of learning English.

I have been learning around 2 years, all of my though.



In December,2012. I took the cerf. in Eng (Elementary).

It included five short courses around listening, speaking, writing, oral and reading.

At that time, I took two to three courses every week after working.


I do remember the first class in Basic Listening skills.

My teacher is funny and he said he was so surprise I was here.

Because I am the yougerest student (I was 19 yrs old)in the class.


Then, after finishing the first cerf., I took the other higher level in Eng,

Also, I tried to take IETES and got 5.5 final.

I met many teachers, they are so talent and have pressure to teach us.

And I had a mermoable experience(WORKING HOLIDAY IN AU) in March,2014.


I  made a lot of friends and learnt more about Eng.

And I was sharing my dream with them and was gave support from them.


Especially, I was so happy to meet him-David chu,

He was a classmate in the second cerf of class.

He was a smart and funny person.

I did remember he gave me a advice to practice Eng,

so I took a trip in AU.... (It didn't fit me final)

I have to say that is my changing point for my dream.


The last, I spent around two years to finish those cerf.

After coming back from AU, I start to learn more again.


Recently, I have taken the higher level of Eng class.

It also cerf in Eng(Advanced), totally different.

This class emphasies speaking and make you feel freedom to learn Eng.

Then, the most important part is my teacher is from N.Z.

She is so funny and kind to teach us.



It is my minestone and path to learn Eng,

And walking to my dream....


Good luck!



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