04-11  18TH JULY,2015


I have read a book call "The rules of life",

it is telling us how we live as well as we can.

It is believed that we are able to make our life more fun and happy.

I am so nervous about my study because the subject is difficult.


Whatever subjects I'll study.

This is an adventure and also get over it.

Control our fears is the only solution we face.


I forget when I am afraid to be a fighter again.

I allow myself to do everything without risk.

I claim myself that I'll take a risk and get over it.


I believe that I won't fall down because I am not concern about what it leads me to fall.

Even the subject is hard to understand, I have confidence get over it.

Looking into what the points make me feel hard.

Don't listen what other people say to you!


Because they aren't able to find the way.

Because they try to escape the issue.

Because they don't wanna be a winner.


But I am not like kinds of people as them.

I will get over it and see what the points make them feel scary!


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