girl8.gif  28 th January 2014




In 2013, I've done one thing that is studying English.

It seem nobody would apperciate it much, only did this ????

When I studied English I didn't have a lot of thoughts on my mind,

beacuse I just have a goals or purpose to learn that improved English.


I kwon how bad I am, what is my weakness on English.

But it doesn't matter in studying. My dream is studying in UK, liverpool...

Just wanna it so much.


In the end of last year, first cerfication of basic English was finished and 

I had received this cerfication of informing me that was so great.


So maybe it was hard and a part of pain in 2013 but studying is my lover.

I do swear and promise myself that I will hold on pain end until coming ture.


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