02-4  05TH MARCH,2015


Recently, many things are happening so fast and unexpectable.

I just get into trouble for myself.


Always thinking how to excapse and face it.

Always forgetting how to think this happen.


I desire "LOVE" and "BELOVED".

I desire "WHO HE IS" and " ISN'T HE".

I am taking those too serious.


Then, I am on this corner too much time..

Then, I forget how to think about this...


Truely, something is necessary in thinking, because I am too young,

Truely, something is necessary in thinking, because I desire too much.

So, I am losing in my own way.

And now, it is time to think about those.


In fact, how to think after happening sth is so important.

Instead of, how to think this one or get sth I want.


Last. " keeping calm after understanding and accpetting"

This is a answer and the rule to live my life well.


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